What Colour is the Bear?
For many people, life makes about
as much sense as that question. They muddle through from event to event, never
even trying to see a bigger picture.
Life might be a bit like one of those
computer generated 3D pictures. At first sight, it looks like a page of random
dots and squiggles. But if you can find the right way of looking at it,
suddenly the picture comes into view, and it all makes sense.
Religions are ways of looking at
life that try to help you make sense. Some of them may try to tell you what the
picture is, but the best way is to see it for yourself. A friend will stand
beside you as you hold the 3D picture, and say "I do it this way".
That’s what religious communities are for.
So we’d like to share with you our
way (the Christian way) of looking at life, so that it makes sense.
God is Love
That may sound like the biggest nonsense statement
of them all. After all, if God is love, then why is the world in such a mess?
You need to understand what the love of God is like. It isn’t controlling, domineering
or manipulative. God doesn’t force us to do things His way. His love is so great, He will stand back, let us make a mess, and then be
there to pick up the pieces, like a caring parent. So God doesn’t stop us
killing each other, or starving half the world. And that’s why the world is in
a mess.
God loves YOU
God’s love isn’t just some sort of wishy washy benevolence directed generally at the world.
God loves people. Individual people. Including you. God cares about your well-being, wants what
is best for you, and cares about the things that you care about. That may seem
impossible to believe... that the creator God, source of all life and love is
actually interested in the details of your little life. But thousands of people
through history have found it to be true. And you can too.
Jesus shows God’s love
The story of Jesus shows us that He was a very
special person. The people who met Him felt as if they were talking to God
Himself. He said Himself "Whoever has seen me, has seen the Father".
When we look at how Jesus treated people, we get some idea of how God loves us.
He always had time for people. No-one was too unimportant or insignificant. In
fact, Jesus seemed to have special interest in the people that were left out of
important society, the poor, the weak and the sick.
You might
like to read through the story of Jesus - try Luke’s gospel in your Bible; read
it straight through like a novel. What impressions do you get?
Jesus died....
t was Jesus' special interest in the poor and weak that got
Him into trouble with the authorities. They didn’t like His teaching or healing
people. Most of all they didn’t like the fact that He exposed their hypocrisy
and exploitation. So they killed Him. The religious and political leaders got
together and had him executed. If Jesus had never lived, He would never have
had to die. But we would never have known about God’s love. And the story
doesn’t end there.
.... and rose again!
God loves Jesus so much that He couldn’t bear to
let Him stay dead. So He brought Jesus back to life. The stories of the
resurrection are mysterious and complicated. But they are all sure of this
fact: the grave was empty, and people went on meeting Jesus and talking to Him
after He’d died. Sometimes He could come and go through locked doors, sometimes He was so real He could eat fried fish.
Sometimes people had trouble recognising Him - He was different, and yet the
same. He didn’t just get resuscitated, to go on living and eventually die. He
entered a new way of living that is beyond death, and out the other side.
And YOU can too
Assuming God loves Jesus so much, He wouldn’t let
Him stay dead, and assuming God loves You.... the next step is to realise that
God won’t leave you dead either.
Death is a natural part of our life. It is still
the ultimate statistic. We have done wonderful things with our science to
prolong and improve life. But we still face the fact that we will all have to
die sometime.
This way of looking at life says that’s OK, because
God loves you, and will make sure that you too enter that new way of living
that is beyond death, and out the other side.
So what’s it like?
There are no maps or photographs to tell us that,
but Jesus told a number of stories that hint at it. He often talked in terms of
a party or a feast. God throwing a big celebration at having the people he
loves around Him.
Of course, you can choose to stay outside - in what
Jesus calls "outer Darkness" looking in at the party and missing it.
So what do I do now?
God wants two things from us. He wants us to love
Him back, and He wants us to love each other. If we do those two things, we are
living in Jesus’ way. How that applies in our own lives is something we spend
our whole life working out
If you would like to try this way of looking at
life, you can use this prayer to tell God that you love Him, and ask Jesus
(who, you remember, is still alive) to help you.
O God, Thank you for loving
Thank you for showing me
your love in Jesus.
I want to love you - but I
am only human. I know I have not loved you as I should, and have lived as if
you were not there.
Please help me to love you
with every fibre of my being, as you deserve. Help me to love other people the
way you love them.
O Jesus, thank you for
facing death and not running away. Thank you for showing me that Love is bigger
than death. Please help me to live as you did , loving
God and people fully. Please be in my life, guiding and directing me.
So be it.
P.S The bear
is white